MyeongJoon Shin (1991)
2020 Graduate School of Trans Art at Yeungnam University, Daegu, Korea
2016 Graduated from Yeungnam University majoring in painting, Daegu, Korea
Solo Exhibition
2022 Stay and rise, Daegu Art Factory project room, Daegu, Korea
The Landscapes that Stayed by My Side, Fxco mini gallery, Daegu, Korea
2020 Suseong Young Artist 2020, Suseong Artpia, Daegu, Korea
2019 Form of Paradise_GLASS BOX ARTSTAR Ver.4, Bongsan Cultural Center, Daegu, Korea
2018 A Paradoxical Paradise, Artclub Samduk, Daegu, Korea
2017 If I Were A Mountain, Artlab Beomeo_Space5 (Curve2410), Daegu, Korea
Never Ending Holiday_for here, Sewoon Shopping Center_Space421, Seoul, Korea
Group Exhibition
2024 A Conflicting Image, Space Dokrip, Korea
2023 Super - Tech, Daegu Art Factory, Daegu, Korea
DIASPORA, Suseong Artpia, Daegu, Korea
Trivial round of daily life, Daegu Regional Government Complex, Daegu, Korea
2022 Young Artist Project(Boundary Point), Daegu EXCO, Daegu, Korea
Journey of Multitudes, Daegu Art Factory, Daegu, Korea
Works Weeks, Daegu Art Factory, Daegu, Korea
Seo. Go. Jung invitation exhibition, Plan C, Jeonju, Korea
DAF Artist extroversion, Artist Residency TEMI, Daejeon, Korea
On one Star, Cian Museum, Yeongcheon, Korea
Remixing, Artlab Beomeo, Daegu, Korea
DAF+ARTIST, Daegu Art Factory, Daegu, Korea
2021 The Morning of the Beginning and the End, Artlab Beomeo, Daegu, Korea
Shift&Variation, Art Space AKT, Kiev, Ukraine
What is the common life, The Common, Daegu, Korea
A Quiet Familiarity, Space Dokrip, Daegu, Korea
How to put an Elephant in the Refrigerator, Eoul Art Center, Daegu, Korea
GAP, Bongsan Cultural Center, Daegu, Korea
2020 Experiential Sense (Online Exhibition), Art Space Purl, Daegu, Korea
On the Borders, Seogu Cultural Center, Daegu, Korea
Our-Shining-Self, Apasn Constellation Story Tunnel, Daegu, Korea
KR EA tive Perspectives, KF Gallery, Seoul, Korea
Hope Drawing Project, Daegu Museum, Daegu, Korea
2019 Addition and Subtraction, Daegu Art Factory, Daegu, Korea
Bomusum Open Studio, Artcenter Bomusum, Gyeongsan, Korea
THE MATCH, Suseong Artpia, Daegu, Korea
BLIND SPOT, Odessa Museum of Western of Eastern Art, Odessa, Ukraine
Stairs Art Fair, Yeongmuyedaum, Daegu, Korea
The Story of a House in an Museum, Daegu Culture and Arts Center, Daegu, Korea
2018 Bomusum Open Studio, Artcenter Bomusum, Gyeongsan, Korea
Synchronization (Outdoor Exhibition), Eoul Art Center, Daegu, Korea
Young Photographer (Daegu Photo Biennale), Daegu Art Factory, Daegu, Korea
Mountain Mountain, Yeongju Mansion, Busan, Korea
Unfamiliar Language, B Space, Daegu, Korea
2017 Bangcheon Young Art Festival, D Gallery, Daegu, Korea
Swan song_Sunday Paper Young, Bongsan Cultural Center, Daegu, Korea
Seosangdong Project2(It's raining), Artcenter Bomusum, Gyeongsan, Korea
Maybe We Here, B communication, Daegu, Korea
A favorite exhibition, Space Ssac, Daegu, Korea
Daegu Art Ecology Report, Daegu Art Factory, Daegu, Korea
2016 Foundation, Artclub Samduk, Daegu, Korea
Live and Disappear, Space Epo, Seoul, Korea
Young Artist Festival, Artspace Giant, Yeongcheon, Korea
< 26 >, Artclub Samduk, Daegu, Korea
Drawing club, Artclub Samduk, Daegu, Korea
2015 Set-ma-pa-ram, Daegu Art Factory, Daegu, Korea
Curriculum, Beomeo Art Street, Daegu, Korea
流動執氣, Space Anache (Artclub Samduk), Daegu, Korea
2014 Look in, B communication, Daegu, Korea
2013 Celsius, Beomeo Art Street, Daegu, Korea
2022 12th Daegu Art Factory, Daegu
2019 Bomusum Residuncy, Artcenter Bomusum, Gyeongsan, Korea
2018 Bomusum Residuncy, Artcenter Bomusum, Gyeongsan, Korea
2016 The thought of space (구)KT&G private property_Suchang1946project, Daegu, Korea
2021 The memory of space (구)KT&G private property_Suchang1946project, Daegu, Korea
2024 Support Project for the Development of Young Artists,
Daegu Foundation for Culture & Arts, Daegu, Korea
2020 Suseong Young Artist choice, Suseong Artpia, Daegu, Korea
2020 Daegu Museum < Hope Drawing Project >